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Planned & Estate Gifts
We look forward to visiting with you about the mission, vision and exciting future of our teens.
God has enabled you to powerfully impact the lives (and eternities) of our students at GPLHS.
Let's discover how together!
A Place to Start
Four Questions to Ask When Estate Planning
Planned Giving Options
While planning goes into every gift, "planned giving" generally refers to special, larger and future gifts made through various financial instruments and utilization strategies. Donors are able to custom structure their gifts so as to provide life income, avoid capital gains taxes and/or pass assets to family members. Many gifting strategies exist, including:

For more information on how to utilize these tools to make a gift to the Lord's work at GPLHS please contact:
Mr. Jeff Roloff at 605-254-6023
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT)
Stocks & Securities
Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT)
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