2017-2018 School Year Logo
Once again a special logo has been developed to illustrate the GPLHS school year theme. Our theme for the 2017-2018 school year is Rejoice in God’s Strength! This theme is based on Psalm 59:17: “You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.”
With all of the challenges God’s people face, especially in the teen years, it is so important that we rely on the strength that only God can provide. As we find this strength in and through God’s Word, we can be at peace and be filled with joy. At GPL we look forward to applying this truth in the coming year: as the people of God we can and will Rejoice in God’s Strength!
The logo uses the image of a fortress to highlight the strength of God that is the foundation of our joy. As we celebrate the 500 anniversary of the Reformation, this image is also intended to bring to mind the Reformation and the fact that God is the Mighty Fortress who has sustained and preserved his church through the years.
God bless us as we Rejoice in God’s Strength!