The United in Praise Vision
After many years of dreaming, evaluating, praying and planning, in November 2019 the Great Plains Lutheran High School Association delegates approved a revised Master Site Plan and Facility Expansion Plan. These plans include:
a fine arts addition which will include space for worship, music instruction, lessons, rehearsals, concerts, performances, and fine arts storage
a classroom addition which will provide the classrooms we need now and into the foreseeable future
a classroom remodel which will create needed additional administrative offices
an auxiliary gym which will relieve scheduling tension and provide new utilization opportunities
a link to the auxiliary gym which will contain a new kitchen and dining area
Using God’s Word, the ministry of Great Plains Lutheran High School touches the hearts of youth, making a lifelong impact that reaches into eternity.
In July of 2020 the GPLHS Association delegates unanimously approved going forward with construction of two areas: the worship, performing arts and music addition, as well as the new kitchen and dining area. Groundbreaking was held on July 25, 2020. Construction began in September.
In January of 2021 a special gift made it possible to approve moving forward with the addition of the auxiliary gym. Construction began in the fall of 2021.
We are truly blessed; it is exciting to see several years of dreaming and planning become a reality!
Challenges & Solutions - Phase #1
Limited Worship and Fine Arts Space
Build a Chapel/Fine Arts Center
(499 fixed seats)
Dedicated space for daily chapel services, performances, and large group assemblies
Dressing rooms and space for set preparation and storage
Limited Worship and Fine Arts Space
Inadequate Space for Music Instruction and Fine Arts Storage
Inadequate Space for Music Instruction and Fine Arts Storage
Include and equip space for:
A music room sized to accommodate our program needs well into the future
Space for music/fine arts instruction, practice rooms and storage
Inadequate Facilities for Kitchen and Dining
Inadequate Facilities for Kitchen and Dining
Upgrade kitchen & dining space, including:
A commercially equipped kitchen
Commons seating for current and future food service needs
Phase #1 - Progress toward the Goal
We are blessed to be making use of all three new areas of our building. Thank you for making this hope and plan a reality!
The music area is filled with the sights and sounds of music classes, band and choir rehearsals, individual and group practices, piano and organ lessons, and more.
The chapel-auditorium is doing an excellent job of supporting our worship opportunities – from daily
chapel services to special services, like district convention worship and our opening service of the school year. The spoken word is clearly heard. Played and sung music comes through clearly. Video displays are easily seen. Technology makes for quality streaming. Assemblies, concerts, and theater performances – as well as all who attend them – benefit greatly from this new space.
Our new kitchen is functioning well, and the new cafeteria is a welcome home not only to daily
lunchtime, but also other functions and gatherings and fellowship time. As we begin to use the auxiliary
gym for classes and practices, we are eager to see how many different ways this new space will be used, including use by community groups that will give us the opportunity to show and tell more and more people about the blessings of a Christ-centered education at Great Plains Lutheran High School.
If you are in the area, stop in. Take in an activity. Or plan a trip to GPL. We’d love to show and tell you
how God is blessing our ministry and students!
"Great Plains is not just a Lutheran High School; it is a God blessed ministry that educates minds, nurtures souls, builds attitudes and character and develops the qualities and characteristics that our society so desperately needs."
Christian Weseloh, Parent
Phase #1 - Bridging the Gap
When it was established, our facility expansion plan included borrowing up to $2.5 million to complete the approved phases of the project. In June we finalized the loan for this construction, borrowing $1.9 million. We are truly grateful for all the gifts that enabled us to borrow significantly less than what was approved!
Going forward, Bridging the Gap gifts will enable us to make additional principal payments and pay off our loan sooner. These gifts will also lower the amount of interest we pay over time.
​Bridging the Gap gifts can be made by clicking the button here and designating your gift to: "United in Praise: Bridging the Gap"
Challenges and Solutions - Phase #2
An Over-Booked Gymnasium
An Over-Booked Gymnasium
Construct an auxiliary gymnasium allowing:
Flexibility in scheduling athletic and fine arts activities
More manageable and consistent student schedules
Limited Classroom and Administrative Office Space
Limited Classroom and Administrative Office Space
Create a more welcoming visitor experience from reception and beyond​
More recognizable and welcoming reception areas for guests
Repurposed space for student counseling and small group meetings and the provision of office space for the entire administrative team
Additional classrooms to provide instructional space for an expanding student body
Phase #2 - Looking Ahead
What does the future hold? It is indeed a blessing to be using our new facilities. These newly-constructed spaces represent 3 of the 4 areas targeted for expansion. The remaining piece is a classroom addition.
In the coming months we will be evaluating the best configuration of these classrooms to support our instructional needs, and we will be considering the best time and way to move forward. We will also be looking again at our overall campus plan, including things like expanded parking, outdoor athletic facilities, and landscaping that will make for a well-kept and inviting atmosphere.
Please keep these future endeavors in your prayers, asking that God enable us to make faithful use of the resources he provides through his people.
Our mission is to provide a Christ-centered education to assist families in nurturing students as lifelong disciples of Christ.
1200 Luther Ln. NE
Watertown, SD 57201
Phone: 605-886-0672
Fax: 605-882-9089